
Yoga means union between body and mind. It is a practical system that can be followed by everyone at all ages, and it is based on the control of vital energy. Ancient discipline, yoga traces its origin back to 4th century B.C. in India and Tibet. It then spread widely in the West. By paying attention to the body and mind, you can find a balance in yourself and with others. Through the profound work of the Asana (body positions) and the Pranayama (breathing techniques), yoga leads us towards a path of health, relaxation and serenity.

  • Private lesson………………………………………………………………..€49.00
  • in pairs…………………………………………………………………………€89.00
  • 3 people………………………………………………………………………€129.00
  • 4 people………………………………………………………………………€159.00


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